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50 Better Ways Manny Ramirez Could’ve Blown $7.7 Million

Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder, Manny Ramirez was just busted for failing a performance-enhancing drug test. As a result, Man-Ram received a 50 game suspension effective immediately. Aside from totally screwing over the Dodgers, Manny’s absence will cost him roughly $7.7 million. So just to rub in the sheer stupidity of his actions, we’ve decided to throw together a list of 50 way better ways he could have blown that cash, other than losing it to the MLB.

Give boob jobs to every Miss America contestant until 2031

Purchase 71,007 of his own LA Dodgers jerseys

Buy Snuggies for 429,448 other idiots

Buy 18,517,034 Fishsticks for Kanye West - shipping and handling not included

Buy 1,929,825 2-piece grilled chicken dinners at KFC

Fund the RIAA’s quest against P2P filesharing for 377 days (Ok, this one isn’t “better”)

Fly to space with Richard Branson 38 times

Have 7.7 face transplants

Buy 26 Slumdog Millionaire Children

Give away 67 season tickets at Yankee Stadium to kids in his hometown of the Bronx

Cryogenically preserve a 2-liter bottle of semen for 100 years

Book Asher Roth to play 641 straight bat mitzvahs

Separate 3.85 pairs of conjoined twins

Book Gov. Spitzer’s escort, Ashley Dupree for 7.12 straight years

Sexually abuse 6 children without going to jail… assuming you worked for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles,.

Re-buy Manny’s BBQ grill on eBay 11,925 times

Purchase a full page ad of your butt in the New York Times for 55 straight days

Full Body Liposuction of the entire cast of the Biggest Loser for 9.5 seasons

Book 3.4 Michael Jackson concerts

Buy 17,111,111 sliders from White Castle

Purchase 8,850.5 pairs of Kanye West’s Louis Vuitton sneakers

Buy 38,500 cartons of cigarettes in NYC

Pay Charles Barkley’s gambling debt 19.25 times

Fund the Boston globe for 8 weeks

Stay at the Presidential Suite in the Plaza Hotel for 14 years

Single-handedly make The Sounds new album “Crossing the Rubicon” go “Gold” in one day

Acquire 192,500 used pairs of panties from this girl

Purchase 15,400 lbs of Humboldt County’s finest

At $4000 an inch, you could stretch your penis 1925 inches more

Have sex with Faith Leon for 4,812.5 hours

Fund an army of 147,379 Somali pirates for 1 year

Support a year of mentoring programs from 770 South Central LA teens.

Take Natalie Dylan’s virginity 2 times

Support Kevin Federline for 18 years 4 months

Show a nipple on the CBS Superbowl Halftime show 14 times

Sign Evan Longoria to a 14-year contract

Buy 616 prothetic legs for Heather Mills

Get 154,000 ‘Happy Ending’ Massages in NYC

Give 38.5 Full-Body Tattoos

Have Lunch with Rosie O’Donnell and Star Jones 570 times

Get the Human Genome Map on Ebay for you and 112 of your friends

Cover the production costs on 7 tracks from Chinese Democracy

Purchase 51 luxury 50 yardline Suites to the Superbowl

Give The Mexican Wolf Boy Brothers a ‘Royal Shave’ everyday for 191.8 years

Buy 7,700 Liters of Omnadren Testosterone Blend

Service the national debt for the United States government for 7 minutes and 30 seconds

Use a public restroom in Germany 281 times a day for 75 years
Get Married 21,751 at the Graceland Chapel in Las Vegas
Fund Robert Rodriguez’s El Mariachi 11,000 times
Buy the “Robinson Crusoe Island” in Fiji