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The Worst Homemade Star Wars Costumes

Some people really love Star Wars. So, to show their love, they will go to great lengths to dress up as their favorite characters for nerd conventions, nerd parties and any other nerd-based gatherings. Here are some of the worst. (Although, that first Chewbacca picture might qualify as the best. I can't tell anymore.)

This might be the only thing gayer than the Gay Pride Parade. (Note: If you've ever been to the Gay Pride Parade, you'll know that it's very very gay.)

I don't remember Boba Fett wearing khaki shorts and being 25-pounds overweight when he was bounty hunting. This must be his cousin, Boba Fat.

Aside from the "luring-you-into-my-van-with-some-candy" move, the "homemade Chewbacca suit" is the pervert's next preferred means of molesting children.

At one point, he finished putting his Chewbacca costume on and said, "Alright, looks good. Let's leave the house."

Paper, huh. You really think you can dress up as a Stormtrooper using nothing but paper?

I can't tell if this Chewbacca costume is bought or made. If it was purchased, then it belongs in the "Worst Purchased Star Wars Costumes Ever" list. Sorry about that.

Look for this Darth Maul to star alongside Mickey Rourke in "The Wrestler 2: Revenge Of The Sexually-Confused Sith."

Someone needs to do something about Stormtrooper Boot Camp. No wonder why the rebels keep winning.

These poor children have no chance. No chance at all.

Somebody has to go through a lot of pizza boxes to make this Stormtrooper. Luckily the boxiness of the storm suit is slimming.

OK, cutting arm holes in your parents 1973 shag rug doesn't not qualify as a Chewbacca and/or Ewok costume.

Star Wars fans will see this as a "red clone helmet." While everyone else will see this as a "piece of garbage."

"Hey, I've got an idea! I'll use paper plates as my Stormtrooper suit! I'm in college! I can do anything!"

"Hey, I've got an idea! I'll tape a Stormtrooper picture to a bucket and use it as a helmet! I'm six-years-old! I can do anything!"

I'm going to let this one speak for itself.

Dude, Darth Maul is the one Star Wars character made specifically for bald guys. You and your thick head of hair are a couple of dicks.

At first I was thinking that this was actually kind of cool because he made this Boba Fett costume out of Legos. Then I remember that a grown man made a suit out of Legos and I chuckled to myself as I uploaded it.

BONUS: This might be the best Star Wars Costume Ever: