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Definitive Top 50 YouTube Videos

Leeroy Jenkins

It's a tragedy of enormous but insignificant proportions that this World of Warcaft video is, in fact, fake. Created by player Ben Schlutz to mock "nerd-guilds" with military-like battle plans, it's since spread way beyond the realms of mere chatroom celebrity. And is no less funny for it.

Lightning Woman 

Medical miracle of the girl who was struck by lightning, lay in a coma for two weeks but then miraculously woke up again – with the best freaking side effect ever.

Roundabout Of Death

It seemed like a good idea at the time. Unfortunately, it wasn’t. These playground-dwelling chavs found out the hard way as a quick injection of scooter throttle sent their mates flying through the air. And in all seriousness, the final few seconds of this video are really quite disturbing.

Sweary Muppets

YouTube is awash with 'remix' videos, consisting of either hashed-up video clips or audio and video from separate clips mixed together. This video falls into the latter category, with Dudley Moore and Peter Cook providing the expletives for a Muppet swear-a-thon.

Reporters Getting Hurt

Who'd be a television reporter? Hours on end standing around in the cold, with a clipboard, looking like a mug. And when you're doing your piece to camera, having to contend with booze hounds hell-bent on saying hello to their mum. And then there's the bad days...

Jetpack Man

Jetpacks, the ultimate lifestyle purchase, have been produced with wildly varying degrees of success since the tail end of the World War II (the Germans had a crack). Today, with different models available for around the price of a scooter, they're the perfect tonic for a slow Friday afternoon in the office.

Battering Ram

Sheep are dumb and most of them live in Wales. If left uncastrated, males grow horns on their head and get lary. When the enormity of their bleak existence sinks in, they panic... and this happens.

Steve Zacharanda

This video, of one-time Birmingham Mail correspondent Steve Zacharanda, shows just how easy it is to lose your job in the company of free booze and video cameras. Definitely up for ‘Brummie of the Year’.

Sneezing Panda

This is one to commit to your 'Favourites' and save for a special occasion. Use it to cheer up/placate/bed any girl with a soft spot for cute furry animals. Pandas are on their way out, but if this video helps just one FHM reader get a blow job, they'll be well worth the $1,000,000 a year the Chinese government pays US zoos to keep them alive.

Mental NYC couriers

First run in Toronto in 1989, an 'Alleycat' race consists of a group of fairly mental bicycle couriers and messengers riding through busy metropolis streets, weaving in and out of cars and generally trying to pose as much threat to their lives as possible. Join an intrepid bunch for a genuinely adrenaline-fueled tour of downtown NYC.

Ninja Cat

Ninjas. Spies. Kittens. These are the sneakiest things on the planet – this little feline proves it, being all three… at the same time.

Christian Drum And Bass Mashup

At first thought, the combination of a Christian service and drum and bass 'banger' seems like plain lunacy. But this is no ordinary sermon - cue mental dancing, floor gyrating and general God-loving madness.

Toddler Trounced


1) Whose fault was this?
2) Is it funny?


1) Whoever was holding onto the kid.
2) Oh definitely.

Skateboard Revenge

Ever berated a piece of wood only to have it reply by literally attacking your face? No? Then you'll never, ever feel as big a cock as the gnarly gent in this clip.

Zombie Snake

Get yourselves an army of these and watch people's respect for you grow. You are master of the reptiles. Overlord of the living dead. Completely insane.

Chav vs Wall

It's survival of the fittest on the estates of suburban England. But as this clip shows, expressions of male bravado can sometimes unexpectedly transform into acts of self-maiming stupidity. He'll never outrun the filth now.

Dramatic Prairie Dog

The original clip stems from - that’s right - a Japanese TV show. Some guy found it and stuck a 'scary movie' sample on it. Now this fuzzball’s demanding only the finest cashews and that everyone call him ‘Sir’.

Quote By Numbers

Charming compilation that counts down from 100 to 1 using clips from films. Nobody gets hurt, there's no mental animals and no accidental nudity. Get over it.

Urban Ninjas

If you've ever wondered what it would be like to watch little dudes with elastic in their DNA hurling themselves between various concrete obstacles, then wonder no more. Exceptional - although you can't help but feel the outtakes would of been better.

Inappropriate Giggles

This clip, which hails from Flemish sketch show In Da Gloria, was so convincing when it first appeared on YouTube that it was presented on the The Tonight Show with Jay Leno as being real. On reflection, it's too good to be true, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be treasured. It's exactly what a bloke needs to make him feel bloody great: another man's sob story about having no dick.

Death Metal Puppy

Dogs, in their traditional subservient, bum-sniffing state, are generally very manageable pets. Not so this canine head-banger, who's probably rallying fellow fuzzy anarchists right about now.

Dancing Walrus

Walruses, with their agility-inhibiting rolls of blubber, have never been renowned for their disco shit. Until, that is, Michael Jackson bought one, tickled its belly and showed it some love.

Ball Master

Never before has any human displayed such God-like command over spherical objects. Rumour has it he came into the world a screaming, grapefruit-juggling baby.

Battle At Krueger

An epic face-off between lions, crocodiles and buffalo. So heralded that it now boasts its own dedicated website, complete with hi-res imagery, documentary and merchandise - proving that there is a market for T-shirts emblazoned with buffalo being torn limb from limb.

Squirrel Backflip

Here's a backyard example of circus-quality acrobatics. It needs to be seen to be believed, becasue if someone told you they'd seen a kid pull off a backflip on a tightrope, you'd definitely smell bullshit.

No Legs Caller

It's hard to muster respect for hosts of quiz shows designed specifically to impoverish pensioners and the dumb. But to be fair to Quizmania host Greg Scott, he handled this remarkably well.

Kitchen Beatboxing

One-time UK Beatboxing Champion BeardyMan fires up a vocal feast using just his larynx and a really decent range of kitchen utensils. Why is he called BeardyMan? Because he's got a beard.

When Swinging Goes Wrong

From carefree rope-swinging to a mangled face and hefty dental bills in just under three seconds. Probaly damaged some ankle ligaments too. And he'll always, always, feel like a twat.

Drunk Russian

One drunk documents an entire nation's economic misery. We're in Russia, where workers think nothing of getting blotto and shitting themselves on the job. The depth of this man's drunkenness is frighteningly impressive.

Squirrel Slingshot

Generally speaking, wherever you find extreme boredom in childhood, you'll also find an elaborate plan to hurt a small animal. But this particular experiment ends happily, because it's impossible to put the shit up a squirrel just by catapulting it 15 feet in the air. Note to kid: just shoot it in the head.

Corey Worthington

If you haven't seen this yet you probably live head down in a bucket, but this young Aussie made headlines when his humble house party turned into a riot. Meet the legend here…

Lazy Cat

Cats have long been denounced as evil little furballs compared to the more subservient dog, but at least most of them have the decency to manage their posturing with dignity. Most of them.

Flea Market Montgomery

Under no circumstances let this bloated, ill-conceived, bloody funny rap commercial get stuck in your head. People just won't understand and will think less of you.

Gypsy Ferris Wheel

At first glance, appears to be right up there with self-harming as a guaranteed way of getting hurt. But on closer inspection, it's just a remarkably enery-efficient way of running a fairground. Bravo.

Crazy Lightning Strike

Lightning is undeniably the king of the elements, since it makes a big noise and fries whole sheep. Sunglasses recommended for this ace piece of slow-mo action.

Lips 2 Da Floor

Now, there are a lot of videos on YouTube of people failing and generally causing themselves pain, but few are as skillfully directed as this. Complete with captions, graphics and a soundtrack that couldn't be more fitting if it had been commissioned.

Binocular Soccer

Our friends in Japan won't watch a TV show unless it involves aneurism-inducing colours, lots of confused shouting and an absolutely ridiculous premise. While we're watching Hollyoaks, they amuse themselves watching humiliated gentleman attempt to play sport with binoculars strapped to their faces.

World Record Dunk

Basketball is fun, so is trampolining. Combine the two and you get the ultimate spectator sport, as this kamikaze dunker can testify.

Ladder Blooper

Professionalism personified. A true salesman never knows when he's beaten - even if he's nursing a couple of broken fingers and a nosebleed. Just keep selling, soldier, just keep selling.

Techno Viking 

He's full of steroids and speed and Nazi DNA. He's got a pet albino who feeds him water. The Techno Viking and is the scariest human being in existence.

Kersal Massive

The Kersal Massive are three kids from Salford. They submitted footage of themselves rapping inside a garden shed to a competition to win a BMX bike. They're now really quite famous, but it's a particular brand of famous. There can't be a day that goes by when they don't deeply regret making this video.

Dog On A Waterslide

Here’s a classic mug-off: in one corner, a Doberman getting serious kicks from repeatedly tossing himself down a waterslide. In the other: you, repeatedly watching him doing so. 

Star Wars Kid

Pity the poor soul. Or: don't. Fat, 14-year-old Quebecois high school kid films himself twirling a golf ball retriever (lightsaber) around his head in veneration of Darth Maul. Unfortunately, his classmates found the tape. Over a billion people have seen it since.

Firework In A Cupboard

The faintly depressing custom of lighting indoor fireworks after dinner parties gets a student makeover: massive rocket inside a kitchen cupboard. Spectacular.

Worst Woman Driver Ever

Typing 'woman driver' into YouTube's search yields nearly 3,000 results. And though there will be plenty more added before cars are replaced by automated taxi carriages, it's very difficult to imagine anything ever beating this.

Capoiera Chump

Okay, so it's not real. It's a scene from Never back Down (which, despite what many advertorials profess, is categorically not very good). But watching this showboating fighter get a faceful of fist remains excellent value.

Angry German Kid

Who said the Germans had anger management issues? We all know how jarring computers can be, but you've got to take a long look at yourself if simple server lag leaves you threatening to rape the mother (and father) of an inanimate object.

Tiger Attack

Tigers don't generally attack elephants, which makes it all the more remarkable that when this one did, there was a man sitting on top, and next to him, another man helming a camcorder

Kung Fu Auditions

Bruce Lee has nothing on these guys. Because he's nowhere near as comically shit. Whether it be hilarious overestimation of their physical capabilities or just plain falling over, you'll be hard pressed to find a video full of more epic 'fails'

Newsreader Blunder

On-screen blunders are generally harmless, slap-on-the-wrist occasions. But not when they’re of this epic magnitude. Not with millions of people watching. This is the best of the best. FHM will brook no argument.