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The 10 Hottest Boob Commercials Of All Time

If your company sells a product that's defective, doesn't really work or was only made possible by the senseless slaughter of countless koala bear hookers, you don't need to worry. There are these places called advertising agencies, and they have access to tons of hot girls with breasts who can sell just about anything. Simply give them your product and they'll hold it in the vicinity of their boobs and you've got yourself a winning product. You can also not show your product in the commercial, let the girl do hot stuff with her boobs for thirty seconds and slap your logo on the screen at the end. This is highly recommended if your product really sucks.


#10 Cute Brunette Blows Some Boobalicious Bubbles - I only blowing on boobs actually made them bigger.


#9 Hot Blonde Can't Find Her Taters - If only Americans were really away of how many tragic accidents are caused each year by giant breasts. Suffocation is the main cause of death by them.


#8 The Dangers Of Fake Breasts And Not Shaving - One day she will grace us with some front boob and what a day it will be.


#7 Air Conditioning Can Be Hot - Women have always been a far more accurate temperature gauge than a thermometer.

#6 Harami Nemoto Sells Ice Cream - After months of intensive focus groups, this ice cream company found that ugly women with flat chests don't sell ice cream and decided to go with Harami instead.

#5 Napster Makes Their Commercials All About The Music - I watched this video 17 times today and I still can't decide.

#4 Go Daddy's Hot Mommy Shows Off Her Mommies - These are the type of commercial "mammaries" that will last a lifetime.

#3 Heidi Klum's Chest Muffins Are Rock Stars - It's nice to see Heidi get back to her being really hot roots.

#2 Nissan Focuses On Chest Safety - It makes you want to buy a Nissan, drink a tall glass of milk and suck on a pacifier.  

#1 The Japanese Really Know How To Sell Chocolate - I hate commercials that have nothing to do with the product they're selling. This commercial is all about chocolate and it's truly refreshing.