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The Funniest Gayest Weirdest Tattoos Ever

The Tacklefly
What's gayer than a butterfly tattoo? Nothing, you say? How about a pink butterfly? That's pretty gay right? Yeah, well what about a butterfly made of COCKS?

Two Girls One Cup
If you haven't seen this video yet then don't. You can never un-watch it.

This one is genius

Batman and Robin
We all suspected it

You thought your butterfly made of cocks was gay? Well how about a couple of mermen? Gay mermen. How do we know they're gay you ask? Well, the one at the back is giving the other a reach around...in front of two giant spurting cocks! This one's so gay it almost went all the way back around to straight. Almost.

All that was missing from the mermen tattoo was a couple of these badboys swimming in the background.

Bellybutton Bumholes
There are loads of these on the net but they're all more or less the same thing

Dirty Sanchez

Unicorn Bumming a Dolphin
No explanation needed. This is awesome.

Diseased Vagina
Why? Just Why?

Drunken, Vomiting Cock
This is girliest cock I've ever seen (and I've seen You got She-Male)

Cock Fairy
That's right. A cock fairy.


Fuck the World
You think you're punk with your fuck the world badges and your punk as fuck patches on your denim jackets? Well this guy has a tattoo of himself literally fucking the world. Beat that.

The Cunt Puncher
I think of mine as more of a wanking spanner

I've never seen so much smut in so little space. This must be what a sex offender sees on every sheet of paper when they do a Rorschach Ink Blot Test.

70's Bush
That reminds me, I haven't seen Bealys mam in a while

Public toilet
Looks like one of Michael Barrymores Tea-Parties

Armpit Cock
Bit too close to the barbed wire for comfort

More Unicorn Sex
Even though they're mythical, they're still dirty little fuckers.

Nazi Unicorn
Because nothing says white power more than a racist unicorn

Slut Stamp

1# Dick Sucka
It's good for hookers to take some pride in their work

Storm Trooper Spanking Captain Kirk

Coin Slot
Because of the credit crunch strippers have started accepting coins, now all they need is somewhere to swipe a credit card

Gay Backpiece
This guy loves the cock

Princess Leia Rubbing her Biff on R2D2
Seriously, what is wrong with Star Wars fans?

Bald Britney
This was when she was going through her Moby phase

Finger Light Sabers

Dolphin Smoking a Bong
This must be on a hippy

Money Shot

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off to Work We Go
I'm not sure what it is they're mining from there


OMG it's Jesus

Hug Life
This is what Tupac really meant

Beavis & Butthead vs The Simpsons
This is why people shouldn't buy tattoo machines off ebay

Atlas Holding up a Tit
When you need more support than just a wonderbra.

The Funniest Gayest Weirdest Tattoos Ever