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If I Die A Bacon-Related Death, I'd Like It To Be Because Of This

We have an obsession with Bacon, I must admit. But who would have thought that simply weaving bacon together like a basket, covering it in cheese, and rolling it up into a cannister looking thing, would be the thing that finally made me so "I don't know if I can eat this." Although, I quickly followed that statement with "I'd like to try and see if I can eat this." To which my asshole quickly followed that statement with "I'm telling you right now, we won't be able to laugh about this later."

Please enjoy these 7 steps to bliss.

I feel like the person who looked at a weave of bacon and said "you know, this could be covered in cheese," probably felt similar to how Dr. Jonas Salk felt when he discovered a vaccine for Polio. Although, one probably got laid that night, whereas the other was alone. I'll let you decide which.

Look at this. You can eat it, you can hold it in your hand, it's elegant, it can be an entree, it can be an appetizer. This is really a 5 tool bacon. It's the 2005 Carlos Beltrans of bacon.