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The 9 Hottest Coach's Daughters In Pro Sports History

According to movies and TV shows, the coach's hot daughter is always up to no good. They're evil vixens who always try to seduce the star player on their daddy's team and the player has to decide whether to give into temptation or do what's best for his sports career. Man, it sure is tough being a star athlete constantly surrounded by hot women sometimes.

#9 Paulina Gretzky (Daughter Of Wayne Gretzky) - The offspring of the greatest hockey player of all time and Janet Jones is currently a model and pop singer. Well, she's a pop singer on Myspace if that counts as being an actual pop singer.

#8 Shannon Heacock (Daughter Of Ohio State Defensive Coordinator Jim Heacock) - Everyone thinks Todd Boeckman lost his job to Terrelle Pryor last year because Pryor was the superior player, but some Buckeye fans believe it was because Todd started dating defensive coordinator Jim Heacock's hot daughter Shannon. Considering Ohio State's subpar performance last year I think Todd made the right choice.

#7 Nicki Meyer (Daughter Of Urban Meyer - Pictured On The Left) - Nicki is currently a women's volleyball player at Georgia Tech and many Florida fans have speculated that she might be the one woman worthy of Tim Tebow's... well, you know.

#6 Bianca La Russa (Daughter Of Tony La Russa) - Tony has two daughters hot enough to deserve an Ozzie Smith backflip but Bianca is the hottest. I really don't know much else about Bianca except that she enjoys being hot and apparently she likes the Raiders.

#5 Stephanie Turner (Daughter Of Norv Turner) - Stephanie is an actress who has appeared in the movie Monster-in-Law as well as episodes of 7th Heaven and CSI: New York. Apparently when Stephanie isn't acting, she's also wondering what Norv Turner did to ruin LaDanian Tomlinson.

#4 Lauren Bowden (Daughter Of Tommy Bowden) - Lauren Bowden is a sideline reporter for Fox Sports who's unfortunate claim to fame is that nude photos of her were leaked on the internet. No, I didn't search for those photos and I don't appreciate the insinuation.

#3 Tracy Phillips (Daughter Of Wade Phillips) - Tracy is an actress and supposedly one hell of a burlesque dancer. And I'll bet 50 bucks that Tony Romo is waiting for Wade to get fired before he finally makes his move.

#2 Sunni Kate Galloway (Daughter Of Oklahoma Baseball Coach Sunny Golloway) - Sunny wasn't so "sunny" after his daughter posed for the Playboy "Girls of the Big 12" issue in 2007. Judging by this photo I think we can all agree tha Sunni Kate did the right thing by disobeying her father.

#1 Bianca Cascoigne (Daughter Of Paul Gascoigne) - The step-daughter of former soccer player/coach Paul Gascoigne, Bianca is currently an English model and the winner of the British reality show Love Island. Kinda makes you wonder what she did to win it.