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The 7 Best Dick-Related News Bloopers

Let's face it. News is BORING. But that's why we have the Internet; so we can remind you that the news isn't always a snoozefest, it's hilarious. But who cares about boring old bloopers when there are videos of the male genitalia making unexpected appearances on your local station?! That's right: male parts. Who woulda thunk?

Here's a list of my seven favorite clips of dicks dickin' around on the news.

7. Peanuts?
This lady just gives us a joke with one subtle mix up. There may be a peanut allergy, but I'm not sure anyone's actually really allergic to what she says they're serving…


6. I F Until My D Hurts
I'd say this is a weak video, but then I'd be denying this shot of graffiti that says "I f*ck until my d@ck hurts" the recognition is deserves for being so awesome AND making the news.

5. Flying Penis
If you haven't seen this one, I am sorry for you. I have personally seen this video about 78 times because it's insanely funny, so catch up now while you've got a minute. It is what it says: a flying penis.

4. J Lo "BJ"
What was this dude thinking? Listen to this guy slip up and say "blow job" instead of "block party" and guess how that happened. Party under the news desk? I'm just saying… something was on the brain.

3. Dick in a Box
If anyone had that idea first, it goes to the guy who saw this video. Props to that local team for their timeliness, their solid reporting, and their ability to give a giant, wagging dong some airtime.

2. Three Inches of Meat
This news team can't keep it together after the female reporter says "three inches of meat." This would be a throw away if the male reporter didn't immediately make a joke about it, but he did, so we love it. Laugh away guys, laugh away.

1. Who Put This Dick on My Back?
Financial news is serious business- that's why this video beats all the rest.
Plus, I really wish I put that dick on his back.